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Select Board Meeting Minutes 10/26/16
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 10/26/16

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Kenn Basler, Chairperson, Steve Weisz and Carol Edelman

Also in attendance: Dennis Lynch, Terry Walker, Shawn Tryon, Ray Tryon

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • The Board requested that Dennis Lynch and Terry Walker, grant writers for the town come in to talk about the areas the Board would like them to work on, pay schedule and other related items.  Terry will focus on grants available for the police, highway and fire departments.  The Board asked that they both research any grants available to repair the dam behind the library.  Concerns were raised that the work Terry is currently doing for the highway (street analysis) is more of prep work for a grant but not actual grant work, and pay for these services should come out of the highway budget not the grant writer budget; Shawn feels that this prep work is for information needed for the grant and should be paid from that budget.  The Board requested a monthly report be submitted to the Board along with their time.  Dennis will look for grants to do with the old landfill, Lake Garfield, a more efficient heating system for the Monterey School and any USDA grants we may be eligible for.  The grant writers will be paid $25 an hour and should submit their time on a monthly basis.
  • Shawn reported that Gould Farm contacted him and may be going forward with some renewable energy grants and they wanted to know if we wanted to piggyback on it using land at the landfill.  Further research with DEP will need to be done first.
  • Monterey School update: M.D. Amstead will remove the floor once the new transfer station is complete to give us a quote on the work that needs to be done.  Steve needs to ask the highway department to remove the bushes while the weather will still allow.
  • Drawdown: Monterey is in a drought watch and public safety is the number one priority.  With this in mind, the Fire Chief & the director of Operations Shawn Tryon has informed the Board and the Conservation Commission that the town may have to delay or suspend the drawdown (a situation we have never had to deal with in recent history).  Shawn explained why a 3ft versus a 6ft would still present a public safety issue.  A final decision will be made by November 15th on whether a drawdown will be attempted or whether the water will be left alone (no drawdown).  The November Select Board Corner will focus on this issue which was approved today.
  • The railing should be installed at the new transfer station today and electrical should be on Saturday.
  • Spare plow drivers: Shawn requested that we confirm that relief staff can be paid from the snow and ice budget.
  • Shawn asked if the Board would agree to waive the demolition permit fee for 24 Lakeside Terrace which is allowing the Fire Department to use the building (before it is demolished) for training purposes.  The Board agreed.
  • DLS report: it was agreed that this report will be reviewed at the November 16th at 9am.  The Board also requested that a copy of the report be put on the website.
  • Carol requested more information on the Community Compact grant before the Board has a discussion regarding what to apply for this year.
  • Steve reported that we received an official quote for a 12x40 custom built building for the swap shack for $8,100 which could be delivered within 1 week.  Kenn is waiting on 3 companies to provide quotes but Kloter Farms has a 14x36 on the lot which retails for over $12,000 which they will sell for $8,500.  The Board will make a final decision next Wed.
  • The Town Administrator Resume Review Committee has requested a meeting on Nov 2nd to present their 1 candidate.  Steve suggested that prior to meeting with the committee the Board first review all of the resumes received to determine if there are more applicants that may be qualified than just the 1 being presented.  The Board agreed and will each come in and review the resumes received.  The November 2nd meeting will be at 4pm instead of 9am.
  • Lake Working Group: Carol did reach out to the Board of Health and Parks Commissions.  Roy Carwile will represent the Board of Health and Peter Poirier will bring this up at the next Parks meeting.
  • IT services for town hall: The Board needs to address an inventory of the software, equipment, etc that we have and need.  Different departments are utilizing different IT personnel and there isn’t a comprehensive list of all the equipment.  We need to have someone separate from our current personnel come in and audit everything.  M. Noe will see if the Berkshire Managers and or Small Town Administrators Group can recommend anyone.
  • Steve reported he has spoken with the Treasurer and she will be contacting Peter Vallianos regarding the sale back of the Lupiani property.
  • Mail was reviewed which included:
  • The findings from the Attorney General’s office with regards to the Open Meeting Law complaint filed by Rudy Gero.  They have found that no violation occurred.
  • A letter from the school committee responding to the Egremont BOS regarding the FY17 assessments.
  • Kenn reported that we are awaiting the report/final judgement from the state with regards to the hearing with the Department of Labor and the complaint Rudy Gero filed.
  • Holiday lunch: Steve stated that since last year’s holiday lunch was so well received, he is suggesting that we plan another for this year for all of the employees, boards and committees.  It was agreed to do it again it will be set for Tuesday, December 20th from 12 – 2pm.  This brought up the turkey gift cards that are given to the police, highway administrative staff of town hall.  The fire department was upset about this last year.  The Board will think about all of this and add it to the agenda for a future discussion.
  • Kenn reported that he met last night with the Chief and Sergeant regarding an incident that occurred in August.  The discussion held in Kenn’s opinion has raised concerns regarding the department’s structure and lack of leadership; he is suggesting the Board look at bringing in an outside evaluator to provide a comprehensive report regarding our department’s operations.  Kenn will work with M. Noe to find companies that specialize in this this.  Carol and Steve unanimously agreed.
  • It was agreed by Kenn and Steve (Carol had to leave the meeting a little early) to cancel the meeting scheduled in November with Fiber Connect since the Broadband Committee will be putting out an RFP that they can respond to if interested in being considered.
  • Warrants were signed.
  • Minutes from 10/12 and 10/19 (2) were approved.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12:15pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk